昆士兰夫妇在维多利亚州格拉姆皮亚购买水边财产,拍卖价为952 000美元。 Queensland couple buys waterfront property in Grampians, Victoria for $952,000 at auction.
昆士兰州一对夫妇在澳大利亚维多利亚州Grampians以952 000美元在一次竞争性拍卖会上获得了他们的梦寐以求的海滨财产。 A Queensland couple secured their dream waterfront property in the Grampians, Victoria, Australia, for $952,000 at a competitive auction. 4公顷的场地设有现代化的三间卧室家和客房,都附有隆斯代尔湖的景象。 The four-hectare site features a modern three-bedroom home and guest accommodation, both with views of Lake Lonsdale. 出售商Adam Walker强调,由于直接进入湖泊,该地产很少。 Selling agent Adam Walker emphasized the property's rarity due to its direct lake access. 退休并计划旅行的卖家将这处房产拍卖,以利用其吸引力。 The sellers, retiring and planning to travel, put the property up for auction to capitalize on its appeal.