在2017年费尔维尔高中袭击事件后,21岁的学生获得了120万美元;法院引用了学校的疏忽. 21-year-old student receives $1.2m after 2017 Fairvale High attack; court cites school negligence.
2017 年,澳大利亚一家法院判给一名现年 21 岁的学生 120 万美元,该学生在 Fairvale 高中遭到 12 名同学的暴力袭击。 An Australian court awarded $1.2 million to a now 21-year-old student who was violently attacked by 12 classmates at Fairvale High School in 2017. 法院认定,学校未能对学生进行监测,在课后不提供安全的环境,违反了其照管义务。 The court found the school breached its duty of care by failing to monitor students and provide a safe environment after hours. 受害人遭受了严重的身心伤害,以疏忽罪起诉新南威尔士州,导致重大赔偿裁决。 The victim, who suffered serious physical and psychological injuries, sued New South Wales for negligence, leading to the substantial compensation award.