奥克兰的12岁学生在同学袭击后需要外科手术;学校最初没有叫救护车。 12-year-old student in Auckland requires surgery after fellow student attack; school did not initially call ambulance.
奥克兰的Somrville中学12岁中学生在遭到同学袭击后需要手术, 12-year-old Somerville Intermediate School student in Auckland needed surgery after being attacked by a fellow student, resulting in a deep gash on his cheek. 家长声称学校没有叫救护车或到外面寻求医疗帮助;相反,学校提供了眼罩。 Parents claim the school failed to call an ambulance or seek outside medical help; instead, the school offered an eye patch. 学校坚称它遵循了程序,并且没有叫救护车,因为当学生在健康室时出血停止。 The school maintains it followed procedures and the ambulance was not called as the bleeding stopped while the student was in the health room. 学校正在调查这一事件,并计划支助该男孩及其家人。 The school is investigating the incident and plans to support the boy and his family.