北卡罗来纳州州长罗伊·库珀 (Roy Cooper) 下令为飓风海伦的 95 名受害者挂半旗,恢复工作仍在继续。 North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper orders half-staff flags for Hurricane Helene's 95 victims, as recovery efforts continue.
北卡罗来纳州州长罗伊库珀下令在10月26日和27日, 州设施的国旗将被半悬挂, 以纪念海伦风造成95人死亡, North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper ordered flags at state facilities to be flown at half-staff on October 26 and 27 to honor the 95 lives lost in Hurricane Helene, one month after the storm struck. 飓风造成严重的水灾和山崩,影响许多社区,破坏家园和基础设施。 The hurricane caused severe flooding and landslides, impacting numerous communities and damaging homes and infrastructure. 恢复工作涉及数以千计的应急人员,重点是重建和社区复原力。 Recovery efforts involve thousands of responders, with a focus on rebuilding and community resilience.