10 000名尼日利亚石油销售商面临关闭风险,原因是汽油消耗低,价格高涨。 10,000 Nigerian oil marketers risk closure due to low petrol consumption amid high prices.
在尼日利亚,10 000名石油销售商可能因高价格导致汽油消耗下降而停止业务。 In Nigeria, 10,000 oil marketers may cease operations due to falling petrol consumption linked to high prices. 与此同时,12名省长赦免了1 780名囚犯,以缓解过度拥挤状况。 Meanwhile, 12 governors pardoned 1,780 prisoners to alleviate overcrowding. 在商业新闻方面,联合利华尼日利亚的收入增长了 45.84%,而尼日利亚交易所尽管交易量下降了 33.09%,但市值增加了 1569.1 亿奈拉。 In business news, Unilever Nigeria saw a 45.84% revenue increase, while the Nigerian Exchange gained N156.91 billion in market cap despite a 33.09% drop in transactions. 尼日利亚的通胀在9月因燃料成本而上升, 可可出口在2024年Q1中猛增304%。 Nigeria’s inflation rose in September, driven by fuel costs, and cocoa exports surged 304% in Q1 2024.