尼日利亚经历了极端粮食价格暴涨(282%大豆、137%鸡蛋、116%切片面包、153%大米、99%无骨牛肉) Nigeria experiences extreme food price spikes (282% beans, 137% eggs, 116% sliced bread, 153% rice, 99% boneless beef)
2024年9月, 尼日利亚粮食价格大幅上涨, 国家统计局报告棕豆年涨281. 97%, 鸡蛋年涨137.43%, 切片面包年涨115.74%。 In September 2024, Nigeria saw drastic food price hikes, with the National Bureau of Statistics reporting annual increases of 281.97% for brown beans, 137.43% for eggs, and 115.74% for sliced bread. 当地大米上涨了152.92%,无骨牛肉价格几乎翻了一番。 Local rice rose by 152.92%, and boneless beef nearly doubled in price. 尽管政府采取了150天的免税进口措施,但专家们仍敦促采取更深入的解决办法,解决通货膨胀问题,包括解决安全和运输问题。 Despite a 150-day duty-free import measure initiated by the government, experts urge for deeper solutions to tackle inflation, including addressing security and transportation issues.