Keston Events 正在寻求 11 月中旬至 1 月初在牛津 Broad St 举办酒类销售和音乐圣诞活动的许可证。 Keston Events seeks a license for a Christmas event with alcohol sales and music in Oxford's Broad St from mid-Nov to early Jan.
Keston事件有限公司已申请许可证,在11月中旬至1月初在牛津布罗德街举办每年一度的有酒精销售和音乐的圣诞节活动。 Keston Events Ltd has applied for a license to host an annual Christmas event with alcohol sales and music in Oxford's Broad Street from mid-November to early January. Raymoc Ltd计划在Headington开设一家新的黎巴嫩餐厅Jasmine & Olives。 Raymoc Ltd plans to open a new Lebanese restaurant, Jasmine & Olives, in Headington. 同时,布切斯特大道和北街因施工而实行道路限制。 Meanwhile, road restrictions are in effect on Burchester Avenue and North Street due to construction. 此外,西牛津郡区议会正在审查投票区,邀请公众在11月4日前发表评论。 Additionally, West Oxfordshire District Council is reviewing polling districts, inviting public comments by November 4.