牛津市议员以缺乏支持为由,要求取消克罗威尔路交通过滤器。 Oxford councillors seek removal of traffic filters on Crowell Road, citing lack of support.
牛津的工党议员呼吁取消交通过滤器试验和 Crowell Road 上的低交通社区,理由是缺乏公众支持。 Labour councillors in Oxford are calling for the removal of a traffic filter trial and a low traffic neighborhood on Crowell Road, citing lack of public support. 法官Liz Brighouse表示, 审判已“超时”, 因为Botley路重新开通延误, Councillor Liz Brighouse argues the trial has "timed out" due to delays in reopening Botley Road. 批评者声称,劳工党改变立场是出于政治动机,但他们否认这一点,指出这种情况造成了邻国之间的分裂。 Critics claim the Labour group's change in stance is politically motivated, but they deny this, stating the situation has caused division among neighbors. 关于牛津郡运输问题的公民大会定于2月和3月举行。 A Citizens' Assembly on transport issues in Oxfordshire is scheduled for February and March.