孟加拉国法院命令报导前总理谢赫·哈西娜和其他23人因学生在抗议中死亡而遭谋杀的案件。 Bangladeshi court orders report on murder case against former PM Sheikh Hasina and 23 others related to student's death during protests.
孟加拉国一家法院已命令警方在 11 月 28 日之前报告针对前总理谢赫·哈西娜 (Sheikh Hasina) 和其他 23 人的谋杀案,该案与 18 岁学生 Foijul Islam Rajon 在达卡抗议活动中死亡有关。 A Bangladeshi court has ordered police to report by November 28 on a murder case against former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and 23 others, linked to the death of 18-year-old student Foijul Islam Rajon during protests in Dhaka. 该案指称,被告,包括高级官员,煽动暴力。 The case alleges that the accused, including high-ranking officials, incited violence. Hasina面临许多指控,包括谋杀和危害人类罪,并于2021年在大规模动乱中辞职。 Hasina faces numerous charges, including murder and crimes against humanity, and resigned amid mass unrest in 2021.