菲律宾政府暂停外汇交易,关闭学校,并在热带风暴Trami接近的路松地区停止工作. Philippine government suspends foreign currency trading, closes schools, and halts work across Luzon amid Tropical Storm Trami approaching.
热带风暴Trami促使菲律宾政府中止外币交易、关闭学校、停止政府在全国主要岛屿吕宋的工作。 Tropical Storm Trami has prompted the Philippine government to suspend foreign currency trading, close schools, and halt government work across Luzon, the nation's primary island. 这次风暴距卡坦杜阿内斯省180公里,预计将带来强风、暴雨和风暴潮,导致在受影响地区发出疏散命令。 The storm, located 180 km from Catanduanes province, is expected to bring strong winds, heavy rainfall, and storm surges, leading to evacuation orders in affected areas. 尽管受到干扰,基本服务和救灾机构仍然在运作,以应对紧急情况。 Despite the disruptions, essential services and disaster response agencies remain operational to address the emergency.