撒旦圣殿教会在弗吉尼亚州开设了第二家堕胎诊所,“Right to Your Life 撒旦堕胎诊所”。 The Satanic Temple opens a second abortion clinic, "Right to Your Life Satanic Abortion Clinic," in Virginia.
撒旦寺主张堕胎权,强调个人自主而不是宗教教义。 The Satanic Temple advocates for abortion rights, emphasizing individual autonomy over religious doctrine. 与一些反对堕胎的宗教团体不同,堕胎为生殖选择提供了透明的支持。 Unlike some religious groups that oppose abortion, it offers transparent support for reproductive choices. 圣殿教会在新墨西哥州开设了第二家堕胎诊所,即 “Right to Your Life Satanic Abortion Clinic”,在弗吉尼亚州开设了一家。 The Temple has opened its second abortion clinic, "Right to Your Life Satanic Abortion Clinic," in Virginia, following one in New Mexico. 这些诊所提供药物流产、远程保健服务和独特的“堕胎戒律”,帮助病人管理内疚和羞耻。 These clinics provide medication abortions, telehealth services, and a unique "abortion sacrament" to help patients manage guilt and shame.