美国职业棒球大联盟(MLB)工会负责人批评球队推动更硬的投球,将其与伤病增加和贬值先发投手联系起来。 MLB head of union criticizes teams' push for harder pitching, linking it to increased injuries and devaluating starting pitchers.
美国职业棒球运动员协会的负责人托尼·克拉克批评球队迫使投手投得更厉害,导致伤病率增加,并降低了投手的价值. Tony Clark, head of the MLB Players' Association, criticized teams for pushing pitchers to throw harder, resulting in increased injury rates and devaluing starting pitchers. 他注意到在过去十年中,平均快球速度从 93.3 英里/小时提高到 95.5 英里/小时,这与伤病激增有关。 He noted a rise in average fastball velocity from 93.3 mph to 95.5 mph over the past decade, linking it to the surge in injuries. 克拉克强调球队需要重新评估他们的策略来保护球员健康,并表示担心潜在的季后赛扩张会影响常规赛胜利的价值. Clark emphasized the need for teams to reassess their strategies to protect player health and expressed concerns about potential playoff expansion affecting the value of regular-season wins.