MLB研究将更快投球和2005年以来将投球工伤增加一倍的巨大努力联系起来,敦促修改规则。 MLB study links faster pitches and high effort to doubled pitcher injuries since 2005, urging rule changes.
最近MLB的一项研究将高投地速度、投地形状和最大努力与投地工伤上升联系起来。 A recent MLB study links higher pitch velocities, pitch shaping, and maximum effort to the rise in pitcher injuries. 涉及200多次访谈的这项研究表明,自2005年以来,受伤人数几乎翻了一番。 The research, involving over 200 interviews, suggests that injuries have nearly doubled since 2005. 专家们建议探讨改变规则,优先考虑投手健康,例如修改游戏规则,鼓励节能,修订名册规则,以便更好地管理投手供应。 Experts recommend exploring rule changes to prioritize pitcher health, such as modifying game rules to encourage conserving energy and revising roster rules to better manage pitcher availability.