美国职业棒球大联盟专员罗伯·曼弗雷德 (Rob Manfred) 解决了球迷对道奇队创纪录支出中缺乏工资帽的担忧。 MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred addresses fan concerns over lack of salary cap amid Dodgers' record spending.
MLB专员罗布·曼弗雷德(Rob Manfred)承认,越来越多的球迷对棒球缺乏工资上限感到担忧,这是洛杉矶道奇队的脱季支出记录所引发的。 MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred acknowledges growing fan concerns over the lack of a salary cap in baseball, sparked by the Los Angeles Dodgers' record offseason spending. 道奇队的3.53亿美元奢侈税工资和1.03亿美元税收引起了关于竞争平衡的问题。 The Dodgers' $353 million luxury tax payroll and $103 million tax have raised questions about competitive balance. 曼弗雷德强调有必要在2027年集体谈判协议到期之前解决这些关切。 Manfred stresses the need to address these concerns ahead of the 2027 collective bargaining agreement expiration. 他还讨论了因体育赌博问题而解雇裁判官帕特·霍贝格的问题,并支持统一的全国体育工资框架。 He also discusses the firing of umpire Pat Hoberg due to sports betting issues and supports a unified national sports wagering framework.