自由民主党议员Calum Miller支持解决Carer津贴多付问题、改善国民保健制度无障碍性、批评政府反对的动议。 Liberal Democrat MP Calum Miller supported motions to resolve Carer's Allowance overpayment and improve NHS accessibility, criticizing government opposition.
自由民主党议员Calum Miller支持两项解决英国保健和护理危机的动议, 重点是解决护理员津贴超额支付问题, 以及改善获得全科医生、牙医和药剂师服务的机会。 Liberal Democrat MP Calum Miller supported two motions to address the UK’s health and care crises, focusing on resolving Carer's Allowance overpayment issues and improving access to GPs, dentists, and pharmacists. 他批评政府反对派,强调需要优先考虑保健和社会护理,特别是因为许多公民为获得国民保健服务而挣扎。 He criticized the government's opposition, emphasizing the need for prioritizing health and social care, especially as many citizens struggle to access NHS services. 最近的统计数字表明,由于任命困难,四分之一的英国人无法工作。 Recent statistics indicate that one in four Brits cannot work due to appointment difficulties.