查尔斯三世国王和卡米拉王后离开英联邦在萨摩亚的首脑会议,强调成员国之间的联系。 King Charles III and Queen Camilla leave Commonwealth summit in Samoa, emphasizing connections among member nations.
查尔斯国王和卡米拉王后离开在萨摩亚举行的英联邦首脑会议。 King Charles and Queen Camilla have departed from the Commonwealth summit held in Samoa. 他们的出席突出了在英联邦框架内举办这一活动的重要性,强调了成员国之间的联系。 Their attendance highlighted the importance of the event within the Commonwealth framework, emphasizing connections among member nations. 首脑会议讨论了各种全球问题,促进领导人之间的对话与合作。 The summit addressed various global issues, fostering dialogue and cooperation among leaders.