南非内政部首先签发穆斯林结婚证,承认Nikah婚姻。 South Africa's Home Affairs issues first Muslim marriage certificates, recognizing Nikah marriages.
南非内政部颁发了有史以来第一张穆斯林结婚证书,在国家人口登记册上正式承认Nikah婚姻。 South Africa's Home Affairs Ministry has issued its first-ever Muslim marriage certificates, officially recognizing Nikah marriages on the national population register. 迄今为止,已经颁发了33份证书。 So far, 33 certificates have been issued. 莱昂·施赖贝尔部长强调,这一倡议加强了穆斯林社区的尊严,反映了该国的多样性和对包容的承诺。 Minister Leon Schreiber emphasized that this initiative enhances the dignity of the Muslim community, reflecting the country's diversity and commitment to inclusion. 社区领导人和政治人物都称赞这一举动是朝着平等迈出的重要一步。 The move has been praised by community leaders and political figures as a significant step towards equality.