10月25日,在剑桥郡Leverington发生汽车碰撞,封锁了Gorefield路;未报告有人受伤。 On Oct 25, a car collision in Leverington, Cambridgeshire, blocked Gorefield Road; no injuries reported.
一辆车在剑桥郡利文顿的戈尔菲尔德路上翻车,10月25日上午,堵塞了道路. A car overturned on Gorefield Road in Leverington, Cambridgeshire, on the morning of October 25, blocking the road. 这起事故涉及一辆汽车在早上6时54分与一辆停泊的汽车碰撞,引起警察和救护车部门的反应,但没有报告有人受伤。 The accident, which involved a vehicle colliding with a parked car at 6:54 am, prompted a response from police and ambulance services, but there were no injuries reported. 当局已建议司机,鉴于目前的道路和天气状况,应谨慎行事。 Authorities have advised drivers to exercise caution due to current road and weather conditions.