Warboys和Chatteris之间在A141上发生三辆汽车碰撞;没有严重受伤的报告。 Three-vehicle collision on A141 between Warboys and Chatteris; no serious injuries reported.
12月12日早上6点左右, 华尔士和查塔里斯在A141号交汇处发生三辆汽车碰撞。 On December 12 at around 6am, a three-vehicle collision occurred on Cross Drove between Warboys and Chatteris on the A141. 包括剑桥郡警察和救护人员在内的应急服务对现场作出了反应。 Emergency services, including the Cambridgeshire Police and paramedics, responded to the scene. 没有严重受伤的报道,公路于上午9时40分重新开放。 No serious injuries were reported, and the road was reopened by 9:40am. 损害的原因和范围仍在调查中。 The cause and extent of the damages are still under investigation.