Birmingham的A456 Quinton高速公路上的车祸造成延误、受伤和道路关闭。 Car crash on Birmingham's A456 Quinton Expressway causes delays, injuries, and road closure.
11月16日下午9点20分, 一辆汽车在Birmingham的A456 Quinton高速公路上被翻车, On November 16 at 9:20 pm, a car overturned on the A456 Quinton Expressway in Birmingham, leading to a crash and traffic delays. 急救服务人员到现场就诊,为被送往医院的司机和乘客治疗无生命危险的伤员。 Emergency services attended the scene, treating the driver and passenger who were taken to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. 事发期间,道路被关闭。 The road was closed during the incident. 西米德兰警察局正在调查并要求公众提供任何信息。 West Midlands Police are investigating and requesting any information from the public.