消费者报告警告万圣节糖果中的红色Dye 3, 与癌症和神经行为问题有关, Consumer Reports warns of Red Dye 3 in Halloween candies, linked to cancer and neurobehavioral issues, calling for a ban.
消费者报告提醒消费者注意,某些万圣节糖果,如Brach的糖果玉米和Mellowcreme pumpkins, 含有红色Dye 3,一种与动物癌症和儿童神经行为问题有关的合成染料。 Consumer Reports has alerted consumers that certain Halloween candies, such as Brach's Candy Corn and Mellowcreme Pumpkins, contain Red Dye 3, a synthetic dye linked to cancer in animals and neurobehavioral issues in children. 红色Dye 3在食品方面依然合法。 Banned in Europe and restricted in U.S. cosmetics, Red Dye 3 remains legal in food. 食品药品管理局声称根据有限证据 安全无虞 The FDA claims it's safe based on limited evidence. 《消费者报告》主张禁止,加利福尼亚州规定到2027年禁止在食品中使用。 Consumer Reports is advocating for a ban, with California set to prohibit it in food by 2027.