108 岁的高级奥运选手和世界纪录保持者 Julia “Hurricane” Hawkins 去世。 108-year-old Senior Olympian and world record holder, Julia "Hurricane" Hawkins, passed away.
108 岁的巴吞鲁日居民、著名的高级奥林匹克选手 Julia “Hurricane” Hawkins 于周二去世。 Julia "Hurricane" Hawkins, a 108-year-old Baton Rouge resident and celebrated Senior Olympian, passed away on Tuesday. 她因在竞争性跑步和骑自行车方面的成就而得名,成为参加国家老年运动会比赛的最年长妇女,并在她这个年龄组中建立世界记录。 She rose to fame for her achievements in competitive running and cycling, becoming the oldest woman to compete in the National Senior Games and setting world records in her age group. Hawkins以其日常目标设定和积极性哲学著称, 于2016年发表回忆录, 分享她的生活经历和田径之旅。 Known for her philosophy of daily goal-setting and positivity, Hawkins published a memoir in 2016, sharing her life experiences and athletic journey.