33岁的母亲Julie Ann McIlwaine因谋杀伴侣James Joseph Crossley而被定罪,2022年3月在贝尔法斯特。 33-year-old mother, Julie Ann McIlwaine, convicted of murdering partner, James Joseph Crossley, in Belfast, March 2022.
Julie Ann McIlwaine, 33岁,母亲,来自贝尔法斯特,四人,于2022年3月被判谋杀其伴侣James Joseph Crossley有罪。 Julie Ann McIlwaine, a 33-year-old mother of four from Belfast, was found guilty of murdering her partner, James Joseph Crossley, in March 2022. 她在他睡觉时多次刺伤他,尽管她声称由于他们的虐待关系而失去自我控制。 She stabbed him multiple times while he was asleep, despite claiming a loss of self-control due to their abusive relationship. 陪审团一致驳回她的辩护 The jury unanimously rejected her defense. McIlwaine将面临无期徒刑,并举行关税听证会,以确定她在假释资格之前在监狱的最低刑期。 McIlwaine faces a life sentence, with a tariff hearing to determine her minimum time in prison before parole eligibility.