温哥华动物园的8岁长鹿Jenga死亡,死亡原因正在调查中. 8-year-old giraffe Jenga at Greater Vancouver Zoo dies, cause of death under investigation.
温哥华动物园的一只八岁长鹿Jenga意外死亡. Jenga, an 8-year-old giraffe at the Greater Vancouver Zoo, has died unexpectedly. 他被发现在一顿饭后在摊位休息,死因正在调查中,以等待死亡结果。 He was found resting in his stall after a meal, with the cause of death under investigation pending necropsy results. Jenga 以其好奇和友好的天性而闻名,是员工和访客都喜爱的存在。 Known for his curious and friendly nature, Jenga was a beloved presence for both staff and visitors. 动物园最近恢复了认证,确保其他长颈鹿健康。 The zoo has recently renewed its accreditation and assures that other giraffes are healthy.