达拉斯动物园的一只长颈鹿费雷尔因意外跌倒受伤后被安乐死。 Ferrell, a giraffe at the Dallas Zoo, was euthanized following injuries from an unexpected fall.
12月31日,达拉斯动物园宣布15岁长颈鹿费雷尔死亡。 The Dallas Zoo announced the death of 15-year-old giraffe Ferrell on December 31. 费雷尔在谷仓里摔倒,下巴受伤,需要接受手术。 Ferrell fell in the barn and injured his jaw, which required surgery. 由于费雷尔的体型和解剖结构,伤势无法修复。 The injury was not repairable due to Ferrell's size and anatomy. 由于下巴和舌头的使用能力有限,费雷尔吃东西很困难。 Due to the limited use of his jaw and tongue, Ferrell struggled to eat. 由于他的预后以及对他生活质量的影响,动物园做出了对其进行人道安乐死的艰难决定。 The zoo made the difficult decision to humanely euthanize him due to his prognosis and the impact on his quality of life.