16岁在奥马哈因二级谋杀罪被捕,在9月17日杀死26岁的Tramble。 16-year-old arrested for 2nd-degree murder in Omaha, killing 26-year-old Tramble on Sep 17.
一名16岁男孩被捕,被控在奥马哈市中心开枪射杀26岁的Ramon Trample Jr.时使用二级谋杀和重罪火器。 A 16-year-old boy has been arrested and charged with second-degree murder and felony firearm use in the shooting death of 26-year-old Ramon Tramble Jr. in downtown Omaha. 事件发生在9月17日,Tramble于9月18日受伤死亡。 The incident occurred on September 17, with Tramble succumbing to his injuries on September 18. 嫌疑人的姓名尚未披露,目前关押在Douglas县青年中心。 The suspect, whose name has not been disclosed, is being held at the Douglas County Youth Center. 奥马哈警察继续调查并寻求公共援助。 The Omaha Police continue to investigate and seek public assistance.