Grant Thornton爱尔兰公司将咨询和税务业务与美国的Grant Thornton顾问合为300万欧元,合并收入和扩大国际影响。 Grant Thornton Ireland merges advisory and tax businesses with U.S.-based Grant Thornton Advisors for €300M in combined revenue and expanded international reach.
Grant Thornton Ireland 将把其咨询和税务业务与总部位于美国的 Grant Thornton Advisors 合并,后者由私募股权公司 New Mountain Capital 提供支持。 Grant Thornton Ireland will merge its advisory and tax businesses with U.S.-based Grant Thornton Advisors, backed by private equity firm New Mountain Capital. 爱尔兰审计业务将保持独立。 The Irish audit business will remain independent. 合并的目的是建立一个领先的综合专业服务公司,总收入超过3亿欧元,从而提高国际覆盖面和客户服务。 The merger aims to create a leading integrated professional services firm with over €300 million in combined revenue, enhancing international reach and client services. 预计将在明年初最后敲定这项交易。 The deal is expected to finalize in early next year.