法国承诺向黎巴嫩提供1 000万欧元的援助,主办一次会议,筹集5 000万欧元用于人道主义援助。 France commits €100m aid to Lebanon, hosts a conference to raise €500m for humanitarian assistance.
法国总统埃马纽埃尔·麦克隆在与总理哈桑·迪亚卜会晤期间承诺提供1亿欧元援助黎巴嫩。 French President Emmanuel Macron has committed €100 million in aid to Lebanon during a meeting with Prime Minister Hassan Diab. 这项支助旨在解决该国严重的经济危机和COVID-19流行病的影响。 This support aims to address the country's severe economic crisis and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. 此外,法国正在主办一次会议,筹集5亿欧元用于人道主义援助,以受黎巴嫩持续冲突和其他危机影响的流离失所家庭为对象。 Additionally, France is hosting a conference to raise €500 million for humanitarian assistance, targeting displaced families affected by the ongoing conflict and other crises in Lebanon.