德克萨斯州新布朗费尔斯的 I-35 南段发生致命的车辆与行人事故,高速公路关闭了两个小时。 Fatal vehicle-pedestrian accident on I-35 South in New Braunfels, TX closed highway for two hours.
在德克萨斯州新布劳恩费尔斯的恩格尔路以南I-35路附近,发生了一起涉及一辆汽车和一名行人的死亡事故,导致索尔姆斯路和恩格尔路之间的公路关闭近两个小时。 A fatal accident involving a vehicle and a pedestrian occurred on I-35 South near Engel Road in New Braunfels, Texas, leading to a highway closure between Solms Road and Engel Road for nearly two hours. 公路于下午12时30分开通。 The highway reopened around 12:30 PM. 交通大为堵塞,促使警察在调查进行期间在182号出口转移车辆。 Traffic was significantly backed up, prompting police to divert vehicles at Exit 182 while the investigation was underway. 进一步细节尚待进一步说明。 Further details are pending.