达拉斯州45号州际公路多车辆坠毁造成多人死亡和车道被关闭。 Multivehicle crash on Interstate 45 in Dallas resulted in multiple fatalities and lane closures.
达拉斯州东南奥克克里夫45号州际公路多车辆坠毁造成多人死亡。 A multivehicle crash on Interstate 45 in southeast Oak Cliff, Dallas, resulted in multiple fatalities. 这一事件发生在星期六下午1时前不久,导致辛普森斯图尔特路所有南行道关闭。 The incident occurred shortly before 1 p.m. on Saturday, prompting the closure of all southbound lanes at Simpson Stuart Road. 两人住院, 一人需要心肺复苏. Two individuals were hospitalized, with one requiring CPR. 当局尚未公布有关受害者或原因的进一步详情,由于应急服务反应,交通堵塞扩大到12号通道。 Authorities have not released further details about the victims or the cause, and traffic congestion extended to Loop 12 as emergency services responded.