中瀑市长Maria Rivera的报告强调了学校区的系统性失败,主张成立社区咨询委员会,并改变治理,以加强教育。 Central Falls Mayor Maria Rivera's report highlights systemic failures in the school district, advocating for a community advisory board and governance changes to enhance education.
中央瀑布市市长玛丽亚·里维拉 (Maria Rivera) 的报告《我的心在这里》揭示了中央瀑布学区的系统性失败,包括学习成绩低下和对多语言学习者和有特殊需要的学生的支持不足。 Central Falls Mayor Maria Rivera's report, "My Heart Is Here," reveals systemic failures in the Central Falls School District, including low academic performance and inadequate support for multilingual learners and students with special needs. 报告呼吁成立社区咨询委员会,探索治理变革,以加强教育。 The report calls for a community advisory board and explores governance changes to enhance education. 由于预计入学率将下降,里维拉力求重新获得当地对该区的控制,强调问责制以及与国家官员和社区利益攸关方的协作。 With declining enrollment projected, Rivera seeks to regain local control of the district, emphasizing accountability and collaboration with state officials and community stakeholders.