罗得岛教育部发表关于普罗维登斯公立学校区自2019年接管以来进展情况的报告,指出情况有所改善,但一直令人关切,当地控制建议即将提出。 Rhode Island Education Dept releases report on Providence Public School District's progress since 2019 takeover, noting improvements but persisting concerns, with local control recommendations forthcoming.
罗得岛教育部发表了一份报告,评价普罗维登斯公立学校区自2019年国家接管以来取得的进展。 Rhode Island's Education Dept released a report evaluating Providence Public School District's progress since state takeover in 2019. 虽然注意到情况有所改善,但对财政卫生、透明度和参与的关切依然存在。 While improvements were noted, concerns about fiscal health, transparency, and engagement persist. 教育专员Angélica Infante-Green将考虑到该区目前面临的挑战,提出地方控制建议。 Recommendations for local control will be made by Education Commissioner Angélica Infante-Green, considering the district's ongoing challenges.