随着严重热带风暴Toraji的临近,菲律宾疏散了2 500多个村庄。 Philippines evacuates over 2,500 villages as Severe Tropical Storm Toraji approaches.
由于严重的热带风暴Toraji,菲律宾正在北部地区疏散2 500多个村庄。 The Philippines is evacuating over 2,500 villages in northern regions due to Severe Tropical Storm Toraji. 此前,最近发生了三场气旋,造成159人死亡,近70万人流离失所。 This follows three recent cyclones that killed 159 people and displaced nearly 700,000. Toraji预计将带来大雨和强风,在已经饱和的地区增加滑坡风险。 Toraji is expected to bring heavy rain and strong winds, increasing landslide risks in already saturated areas. 军队和警察已经为救援任务准备了飞机,海上旅行暂停。 The military and police have prepared aircraft for rescue missions, and sea travel is suspended.