以色列对提尔的无人机袭击疏散了平民,这是正在进行的针对真主党的军事行动的一部分。 Israeli drone strike in Tyre evacuates civilians, part of ongoing military operations against Hezbollah.
2024年10月23日, 黎巴嫩国家媒体报导, 以色列在提尔发动无人驾驶飞机攻击, On October 23, 2024, Lebanese state media reported that Israel conducted a drone strike in Tyre, prompting civilian evacuations after the Israeli army warned residents to leave parts of the city. 足迹显示,袭击中有大量烟雾。 Footage showed significant smoke from the attack. 大约14 500人仍留在提尔,主要是流离失所者。 Approximately 14,500 people remained in Tyre, primarily displaced individuals. 这次袭击是目前针对真主党的军事行动的一部分,据报自9月底以来黎巴嫩境内有1 552人伤亡。 This strike is part of ongoing military operations against Hezbollah, with over 1,552 casualties reported in Lebanon since late September.