真主党从黎巴嫩Metula附近发射火箭,造成5人死亡;哈马斯袭击加沙后,敌对行动持续不断。 5 killed by rocket attack from Lebanon near Metula, attributed to Hezbollah; ongoing hostilities following Hamas's Gaza assault.
10月31日,来自黎巴嫩的火箭袭击在Metula附近造成5人死亡,其中包括4名外国工人和1名以色列人死亡,这是以色列最近入侵以来最致命的事件。 A rocket attack from Lebanon killed five people, including four foreign workers and one Israeli, near Metula on October 31, marking the deadliest incident since Israel's recent invasion. 这次袭击被归咎于真主党,加剧了哈马斯 10 月 7 日从加沙发动袭击后开始的持续敌对行动。 The attack is attributed to Hezbollah, escalating ongoing hostilities that began after Hamas's October 7 assault from Gaza. 冲突造成双方重大伤亡,黎巴嫩有超过28 800人死亡,120万人流离失所。 The conflict has resulted in significant casualties on both sides, with over 2,800 deaths and 1.2 million displaced in Lebanon. 美国外交官正在寻求停火谈判。 U.S. diplomats are seeking ceasefire negotiations.