爱尔兰的Dáil敦促成立工作队, 解决教师短缺问题, Ireland's Dáil urged to form taskforce for addressing teacher shortage and raising starting salaries.
爱尔兰的Dáil正在被敦促成立一个工作队,以解决教师严重短缺的问题。 Ireland's Dáil is being urged to form a taskforce to address a significant teacher shortage. 劳工领袖Ivana Bacik强调学校在招聘合格教师方面所面临的困难,导致聘用了不合格的工作人员。 Labour leader Ivana Bacik emphasized the struggles schools face in recruiting qualified teachers, leading to the use of unqualified staff. Taoiseach Simon Harris承认了这个问题,指出新的薪资交易将起始工资提高到46,000欧元。 Taoiseach Simon Harris acknowledged the issue, noting a new pay deal that raises starting salaries to €46,000. 他建议成立一个特别工作组,以都柏林15个特殊教育需求的成功模式为参照,这样做可能是有益的。 He suggested a taskforce could be beneficial, referencing a successful model for special education needs in Dublin 15.