印度国内政部长阿米特·沙宣布计划在五年内将800万奶农连接到合作社结构,并建立200万个新的合作社. Union Home Minister Amit Shah announces a plan to connect 8 crore milk-producing farmers to cooperative structures and establish 2 lakh new cooperatives within five years.
联合内政部长Amit Shah宣布了印度“第二次白革命”的计划, Union Home Minister Amit Shah announced plans for a "second white revolution" in India, aiming to connect all eight crore milk-producing farmers to cooperative structures. 目前只有150万农民加入合作社. Currently, only 1.5 crore farmers are part of cooperatives. 在NDDB在阿南德举行的钻石大庆会议上,他强调了GOBARdhan有机废物管理倡议,并宣布在今后五年内建立两万万个新的合作社,以提高农民的生计和可持续性。 At the NDDB's Diamond Jubilee in Anand, he highlighted the GOBARdhan initiative for organic waste management and announced the establishment of two lakh new cooperatives over the next five years, enhancing farmers' livelihoods and sustainability.