加拿大汉密尔顿发生了54起枪击事件,促使当地警察设立了一个常设射击应对小组。 54 shootings in Hamilton, Canada prompt the establishment of a permanent shooting response team by local police.
加拿大汉密尔顿报告,今年发生了54起创纪录的枪击事件,促使当地警察设立了一个常设射击应对小组。 Hamilton, Canada, has reported a record 54 shootings this year, prompting the establishment of a permanent shooting response team by local police. 该小组自成立以来,已逮捕30人,对非致命案件提出了196项指控,但许多事件仍未解决。 Since its formation, the team has made 30 arrests and filed 196 charges in non-fatal cases, yet many incidents remain unsolved. 警方敦促公众协助报告可疑活动,以帮助打击持续不断的枪支暴力,改善社区安全。 Police urge public assistance in reporting suspicious activities to help combat ongoing gun violence and improve community safety.