安大略警方在Meaford维多利亚村调查枪击报告,没有发现任何证据或受伤。 Ontario police investigate gunshot reports in Victoria Village, Meaford, with no evidence or injuries found.
安大略Meaford的警察正在调查维多利亚村地区枪击事件的报告,8月27日和9月4日有报道。 Police in Meaford, Ontario, are investigating reports of gunshots in the Victoria Village area, with incidents reported on August 27 and September 4. 尽管Grey Bruce OPP进行了搜查,但没有发现任何证据或受伤。 Despite searches by the Grey Bruce OPP, no evidence or injuries were found. 警方正在加大巡逻力度, 并在附近搜寻目击者和录像. The OPP Crime Unit is increasing patrols and canvassing the neighborhood for witnesses and video footage. 敦促居民检查其监视系统,并向当局报告任何相关信息。 Residents are urged to check their surveillance systems and report any relevant information to the authorities.