Meta 测试面部识别功能以检测 Facebook 和 Instagram 上的名人诈骗广告。 Meta tests facial recognition for detecting celebrity scam ads on Facebook and Instagram.
Meta正在测试面部识别技术, 以对抗脸书和Instagram上名人主题的骗局广告。 Meta is testing facial recognition technology to fight celebrity-themed scam ads on Facebook and Instagram. 系统将疑似广告中的图像与公众人物的简介图片进行比较;如果发现匹配,广告就会被屏蔽。 The system compares images in suspected ads with public figures' profile pictures; if a match is found, the ad is blocked. 此外,Meta正在探索一个视频自拍功能,供用户重新访问失密账户。 Additionally, Meta is exploring a video selfie feature for users to regain access to compromised accounts. 虽然测试旨在加强安全,但由于监管问题,欧盟或联合王国无法提供。 While the testing aims to enhance safety, it will not be available in the EU or UK due to regulatory issues.