到2030年,CMA CGM和苏伊士合作伙伴提供多达100 000公吨的生物甲烷供应。 CMA CGM and Suez partner for up to 100,000 metric tonnes of biomethane supply by 2030.
CMA CGM与苏伊士合作,到2030年,每年向其气动力车队供应最多100 000公吨生物甲烷。 CMA CGM has partnered with Suez to supply up to 100,000 metric tonnes of biomethane annually to its gas-powered fleet by 2030. 一项谅解备忘录包括联合投资1亿欧元,用于开发欧洲的生物甲烷生产设施。 A memorandum of understanding includes a joint investment of €100 million for developing biomethane production facilities in Europe. 这种合作旨在减少船舶的碳排放,并支持苏伊士公司将废物转化为可再生能源的目标,而CMA CGM则将在2050年之前实现零碳排放. This collaboration aims to decarbonize shipping and supports Suez's goal of turning waste into renewable energy, while CMA CGM targets net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.