泰米尔纳德邦卫生部警告说,与季风有关的疾病会增加,包括18 000例登革热病例。 Tamil Nadu Health Department warns of monsoon-related disease rise, including 18,000 dengue cases.
泰米尔纳德邦卫生部警告说,随着东北季风的到来,登革热、疟疾、淋病和流感病例会增加。 The Tamil Nadu Health Department warns of a rise in dengue, malaria, leptospirosis, and influenza cases with the onset of the northeast monsoon. 自2024年1月以来,报告了18 000例登革热病例。 Since January 2024, 18,000 dengue cases have been reported. 建议居民消除停滞的水,防止蚊虫繁殖。 Residents are advised to eliminate stagnant water to prevent mosquito breeding. 建立了季风营地,以查明10个高风险县的病例,同时开展提高公众认识运动,推广安全做法,包括饮用水煮水。 Monsoon camps are established to identify cases in 10 high-risk districts, while public awareness campaigns will promote safe practices, including drinking boiled water.