奥克兰机场预计节日期间将有180万名旅客,包括100万名国际旅客。 Auckland Airport expects 1.8 million travelers, including 1 million internationals, during the holiday season.
奥克兰机场预计将在12月9日至1月12日期间接待180万旅客, 其中包括100万国际访客, Auckland Airport anticipates handling 1.8 million travellers from December 9 to January 12, including 1 million international visitors, with 40% visiting friends and family. 机场对于出口大约26 000吨的鲑鱼、羊肉和樱桃等货物至关重要。 The airport is crucial for exporting about 26,000 tonnes of goods like salmon, lamb, and cherries. 国际座位容量将增加18%,机场就生物安保规则和机动性援助向旅行者提供咨询。 International seat capacity will rise by 18%, and the airport advises travellers on biosecurity rules and mobility assistance.