Google推出打击未经同意的深层虚假内容及保护受害人的措施。 Google introduces measures to combat non-consensual deepfake content and protect victims.
谷歌推出措施,帮助未经同意的性露骨性行为的受害者,过滤类似搜索的清晰内容,并在提出除名请求后对重复内容进行扫描。 Google introduces measures to assist victims of non-consensual sexually explicit deepfakes, filtering explicit content from similar searches and scanning for duplicates after removal requests. 该公司的目的是将相关新闻文章排在搜索结果的更深层假象之上,并对除名请求量高的网站进行演示。 The company aims to rank relevant news articles above deepfakes in search results and demote websites with high removal request volumes. 这些更新是继联邦立法增加之后进行的,联邦立法允许未经同意的深假受害者起诉犯罪人,网上的深假出现激增。 These updates follow increased federal legislation allowing non-consensual deepfake victims to sue perpetrators, and a surge in online deepfake presence.