Hudson Yards的150英尺船只在因自杀而关闭3年后重新开放,并采取了安全措施。 150-ft Vessel at Hudson Yards reopens with safety measures after 3-year closure due to suicides.
这艘船是纽约市哈德逊场的一座150英尺高的建筑雕塑,在因自杀而关闭三年后重新开放。 The Vessel, a 150-foot architectural sculpture in New York City's Hudson Yards, has reopened after a three-year closure due to suicides. 在几个级别安装了强化安全措施,包括楼层到上限的钢网格屏障,顶层仍然关闭。 Enhanced safety measures, including floor-to-ceiling steel mesh barriers, have been installed on several levels, while the top remains closed. 入境人数是10美元,星期四纽约居民可免费入境。 Admission is $10, with free access for NYC residents on Thursdays. 相关公司对欢迎游客返回广受欢迎的旅游景点表示兴奋。 Related Companies expressed excitement about welcoming visitors back to the popular tourist attraction.