由于自杀事件导致的三年关闭后, 纽约市哈德森码的船只重新开放了安全网. Vessel in New York City's Hudson Yards reopens with safety netting after 3-year closure due to suicides.
纽约市哈德逊场的船只在因自杀而关闭三年后已经重新开放,现在的特点是安全网网,目的是防止进一步的事件。 The Vessel in New York City's Hudson Yards has reopened after a three-year closure due to suicides, now featuring safety netting designed to prevent further incidents. 该结构因其低矮的栏杆而受到批评,还包括增加的安全性、伙伴系统和心理健康资源标牌。 Criticized for its low railings, the structure also includes increased security, a buddy system, and mental health resource signage. 虽然网状建筑解决了安全问题,但一些建筑批评家认为这艘船在视觉上不吸引人. While the netting addresses safety concerns, some architecture critics deem the Vessel visually unappealing. 访问者可以访问网站,收费10美元。 Visitors can access the site for a $10 fee.