聚丙烯阴道网目60天降解引起安全问题; 自2018年以来,国家保健服务限制使用。 60-day degradation of polypropylene vaginal mesh raises safety concerns; NHS restricted use since 2018.
谢菲尔德大学的一项研究发现,用聚烯制成的阴道网在植入后60天内会降解,这引发了人们对其安全性在治疗盆腔器官缩和压力尿失禁方面的担忧. A University of Sheffield study found that vaginal mesh made from polypropylene degrades within 60 days post-implantation, raising concerns about its safety for treating pelvic organ prolapse and stress urinary incontinence. 在周围组织中检测到了聚丙烯颗粒,随着时间的推移,浓度显著上升。 Polypropylene particles were detected in surrounding tissue, with concentrations increasing significantly over time. 自2018年以来,国民保健制度限制使用这些植入物,促使健康倡导者呼吁采用更安全的替代品。 The NHS has restricted the use of these implants since 2018, prompting calls for safer alternatives from health advocates.