中国与东南亚的经济关系导致对中国教育的需求增加。 China's economic ties with Southeast Asia lead to increased demand for Chinese education.
中国在东南亚的影响力不断增强,这表现在对中国教育需求的增加,其驱动力是强大的经济联系和地方商业机构。 China's rising influence in Southeast Asia is evident through increased demand for Chinese education, driven by strong economic ties and local business establishments. 作为东盟最大的贸易伙伴,中国的社会经济发展促进了文化和教育交流。 As ASEAN's largest trading partner, China's socio-economic growth fosters cultural and educational exchanges. 此外,中国科技进步与文化软实力(以电子游戏*黑神话:Wukong* 等产品为范例)一起,进一步加强了全球立场和吸引力。 Additionally, China's advancements in science and technology, alongside cultural soft power exemplified by products like the video game *Black Myth: Wukong*, further enhance its global position and appeal.