新加坡敦促东南亚与作为全球经济增长经济驱动因素的中国和印度进行更多接触。 Singapore urges Southeast Asia to engage more with China and India, economic drivers for global growth.
新加坡外交事务高级国务部长西姆·安强调了与中国和印度密切接触的重要性,敦促东南亚与这些经济巨人进行更多互动。 Singapore's Senior Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Sim Ann, highlighted the importance of close engagement with China and India, urging Southeast Asia to interact more with these economic giants. 预计这两个国家将在2024年占全球经济增长的一半,总共占世界人口的35%。 Both countries are projected to contribute half of global economic growth in 2024 and together account for 35% of the world's population. 这是由新加坡国立大学的两个智囊团组织的题为“中国和印度:两个巨人塑造全球经济”的新系列的一部分。 This comes as part of a new series titled 'China and India: Two Giants Shaping the Global Economy,' organized by two think tanks at the National University of Singapore. 该系列将通过讲习班和公共活动来审查这两个国家的经济战略和全球影响。 The series will examine the economic strategies and global impact of these two nations through workshops and public events.