2024年的“黑神话:Wukong”游戏由中国的游戏科学推动科技产业和文化影响,驱动着对先进半导体的需求。 2024's "Black Myth: Wukong" game by China's Game Science boosts tech industry and cultural influence, driving demand for advanced semiconductors.
中国游戏科学公司于 2024 年发布的《黑神话:悟空》正在获得全球赞誉,对于北京提升其科技产业和文化影响力的战略至关重要。 "Black Myth: Wukong," a 2024 release by China's Game Science, is gaining global acclaim and is pivotal to Beijing's strategy to enhance its tech industry and cultural influence. 根据经典小说《前往西方之旅》,游戏展示了令人印象深刻的视觉和讲故事。 Based on the classic novel "Journey to the West," the game showcases impressive visuals and storytelling. 其成功刺激了对先进半导体的需求,反映了中国缩小与西方的技术差距、加强其在游戏和技术方面的全球存在的愿望。 Its success is fueling demand for advanced semiconductors, reflecting China's ambitions to narrow the technological gap with the West and bolster its global presence in gaming and technology.